SHOE LEATHER: Reported Stories
June 2012 Contributors
Making Scratch
How graffiti writers survive in the aboveground world
by Rebecca Baird-Remba
Drink Water and Drive On
Veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts go to college
by Valerie Bogard
How the Internet has and hasn't changed college courtship
by Elizabeth Dana
Thank you, Gela !
As their culture in Tibet disappears, Tibetans in the U.S. are forging their own identity
By Carolyn Goettler
Inside the lives of America's train enthusiasts
by Joe Gracely
Munch at the Moonstruck
A few sketches of New York's BDSM dreamers
by Allan Kustanovich
Born Again
Race and doughnuts in Bed-Stuy
by James Lanning
Attacking the Self
Autoimmune patients' struggle for diagnosis and life thereafter
by Manon Loonis
Siguiendo Adelante
Pushing Forward: The struggles and triumphs of Latino dropouts in New York City
by Daniella Silva
Two Sides, One Coin
How Wall Street and its Occupiers have more in common than they think
by Mona Zhang
NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute